2001-2007: Medical Doctor. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
2008-2012: Specialist Registrar in Clinical Oncology. Hospital 12 de Octubre (Madrid, Spain)
2008-2011: Preparing for Doctorate courses in Medical Physics Department in Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Pre-Doctorate diploma (Cursos de Doctorado y Diploma de Estudios Avanzados)
Spanish: Native – English: Fluent (C1-7.5 Score IELTS) – French: Fluent (C1) – German: Basic (A1)
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (Glasgow, UK)
From October 2016
Consultant in Clinical Oncology
Details of job/Hospital: Thoracic Oncology and Genitourinary tumours. Treatment with chemo-radiotherapy. IMRT, VMAT, SABRT for lung and prostate. Radium-223 for metastatic bone metastases.
North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust (Carlisle, UK)
October 12th 2015 – September 30th 2016
Consultant in Clinical Oncology: Thoracic Oncology, Genitourinary tumours and Breast Cancer.
Bristol Hematology and Oncology Centre – NHS Trust (Bristol, UK)
March 30th 2015 – September 29th 2015
Locum Consultant Clinical Oncology: Thoracic Oncology, Genitourinary tumours and Breast Cancer.
Institute Gustave Roussy-Villejuif (France)
November 2013-February 2015 (15 months)
Resident Senior (Associate Specialist – Consultant): Thoracic Oncology and Sarcomas.
Hospital Universitario de Burgos-Burgos (Spain)
September 2013
Médico Adjunto (Locum Consultant)
Hospital Ruber Internacional-Madrid (Spain)
July 2012- August 2013 (13 months)
Médico Adjunto (Consultant)
ESTRO Courses:
• Online delineation workshop in Prostate Cancer. 12, 19, 26th October 2016.
• Brachytherapy for prostate Cancer. Köln (Germany). 6-8 Jun 2013.
• Multidisciplinary Prostate Cancer Course. Madrid (Spain). 2-6 February 2013
SEOR Courses (Spanish Society on Radiation Oncology):
• Public Speaking (Spanish Young Radiation Oncology Group, SYROG). Madrid, February 2012.
• Cáncer de cabeza y cuello: Delimitación de volúmenes de tratamiento (« Head and neck cancer. Contouring volumes of treatment »). EEOR. 7-8 April 2011, Madrid.
• Radiobiología clínica (Clinical Radiobiology). EEOR. 24-26 February 2010 Sevilla.
International Courses where the most relevant:
• EORTC Radiation Oncology Group Autumn Meeting. 9-11 October 2014 -Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
• Training Cours “How to become a researcher” (Demain je deviens Investigateur). Paris-Hôpital Saint Louis. 22-23 March 2014. Université Paris Sud.
• EORTC Symposium “Quality of Life, Symptom Research and Patient Related Outcomes in Cancer Clinical Trials”. Brussels. 7-9 September 2011.
• Curso práctico VII Programa Marco de investigación de la UE (“Practical cours about VII Program Marco of research in EU”). 27-28 Jun 2011.
• Bases metodológicas de la investigación (Methodogical basis of research). Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. January -February 2010.
• 2011-2012 : Associate teacher at « Universidad Complutense de Madrid », Medical Physics and Radiology Department
• January 2016-September 2016: Clinical Supervisor in Clinical Oncology. Cumberland Infirmary (Carlisle)
• Cascales García MA, Cabeza Rodriguez M, Gascon Costoso N, Lanzós E. et Cols. Traitement Brachythérapique du cancer du penis. Notre expérience. Oral Communication 105º Congrés de l’AFU (Association Française d’Urologie). Paris, November 2011.
• Cabeza Rodriguez M, Martinez Gutiérrez R, Costoso N, Perez Escutia M, Cascales A, Lanzós Gonzalez E. et Cols. Cinética de PSA tras el tratamiento con braquiterapia I125 : La importancia de los fenómenos de rebote y la diferencia con verdadera progresión bioquímica. Poster and Oral Communication number 1691. 16 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Radioterápica, Madrid. Jun 2011
• Cascales A, Martinetti F, Belemsagha D, Le Pechoux C. Challenges in the treatment of early non-small cell lung cancer: what is the standard, what are the challenges and what is the future for radiotherapy? Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2014;3:195-204.
• D. Belemsagha, A. Cascales-Garcia, C. Le Pechoux. Carcinomes bronchiques à petites cellules limités : traitement standard et nouvelles approches thérapeutiques. Small cell lung carcinoma: Standard treatment and new approaches. Rev. Mal. Respir. 2014;7:514-8.
• Is preoperative radiotherapy suitable for all patients with primary soft tissue sarcoma of the limbs? Levy A, Bonvalot S, Bellefqih S, Vilcot L, Rimareix F, Terrier P, Belemsagha D, Cascales A, Domont J, Mir O, Honoré C, Le Cesne A, Le Péchoux C. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2014 Dec;40:1648-54.
• Cabeza Rodríguez MA; Pérez Escutia MA; Rodríguez Antolín A; Gascón Costoso N; Cascales García A; Lanzós González E. Fenómeno de rebote de PSA después de tratamiento local con irradiación en el cáncer de próstata. Arch. Esp. Urol. 2012; 65: 21-37
• Agüera-Ortiz, L.F.; Guerrero-Morcillo, A.; Sánchez-Pastor, L.; Feliz-Muñoz, C.; Cascales García A, M.A. Potomanía de inicio tardío. Psicogeriatría; 2009 1: 133-137
• Díez Lobato R, Cascales García MA, Moreno Fernández A, González Murillo M, Higuera O, López Hualda A. (2010) Manual de Práctica Clínica (« Clinical practice manual »). Unidad Docente 12 de Octubre ISBN 978- 84-937689-3-5 (Editor and Main Coordinator of the project to carry out the creation of this book from 2007 to 2010)
• Cabeza M A, Gascón N, Cascales García A, Lanzós González E. « Riesgo elevado: radioterapia y braquiterapia ». Controversias en el Cáncer de próstata 2. Ed: Henríquez López I; Roach III M. ISBN: 978-84-694-4009-4; 2011: p257-266.
• “CAPCIRAB: Calidad de Vida en el paciente con Cáncer de Próstata de Bajo Riesgo tratado con Cirugía, Radioterapia Externa y Braquiterapia” (Quality of life in Low Risk Prostate Cance patients treated with surgery, external beam radiotherapy or brachytherapy) Main Investigator: Almudena Cascales. First Grant Award in the Research Award “SEOR-Inicia-Abott (May 2011) for young radiation oncologists. Begin of the grant: September 2011. Duration : 18 months. Funding: 9000 euros.
• “CAPCIRAB: Calidad de Vida en el paciente con Cáncer de Próstata de Bajo Riesgo tratado con Cirugía, Radioterapia Externa y Braquiterapia”. (Quality of life in Low Risk Prostate Cance patients treated with surgery, external beam radiotherapy or brachytherapy) Main Investigator: Almudena Cascales. Grant « Fundación Mutua Madrileña 2011/0088 ». Begin of the grant: September 2011. Duration: 36 months. Funding: 31000 euros.
• “Cáncer de Próstata de Bajo Riesgo: Calidad de Vida y Decisión Terapéutica”. («Low-Risk Prostate Cancer: Quality of life and therapeutic decisión») I Jornada Interhospitalaria de Médicos Residentes en Oncología Radioterápica de la Comunidad de Madrid. (First Inter-Hospital Meeting of Radiation Oncology Residents of Madrid). Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. 19 January 2012. 1st Award to the best communication.
• Cascales Garcia MA, Colmenero M, Rodriguez A, Samper P, Valero J, Paz-Ares, Cabeza Rodriguez MA et cols. Measuring Quality of Life in Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Treated With Surgery, External Beam Radiation Therapy, or Brachytherapy. CAPCIRAB Project: A Prospective, Multicentric Cohort Study. Poster 2676. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys. 2016. 96;2:E277. September 2016, 58th ASTRO Annual Meeting
• Cascales A, Colmenero M, Rodriguez A, Samper P, Valero J, Cabeza Rodriguez MA et cols. Quality of life in low-risk prostate cancer treated with surgery, external beam radiotherapy, and brachytherapy: A prospective, multicentric cohort study. Poster e16592. J Clin Oncol 34, 2016, suppl; abstr e16592. June 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting
• Loi M, Dunant A, Cascales-Garcia MA, Slocker-Escarpa A, Deutsch E, Arriagada R, Rivera S. Response to chemotherapy predicts outcome after combined modality therapy for inflammatory breast cancer. Eur J Cancer, 51, 2015, suppl 3: S278-S279. Poster 1840. ECCO 18-ESMO 40. Viena (Austria) 25-29th September 2015
• Cascales MA, Levy A, Martinetti F, Belemsagha D, Brahim J, Le Cesne A, Bonvalot S, Le Pechoux C.Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for the treatment of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma. Poster OF3-1193. 3rd ESTRO Forum. Barcelona (Spain) 24-28th April 2015
• Cascales Garcia M, Acevedo-Henao M, Mangoni M, Castaing M, Dunant A, Livi L, Mathieu M, Marsiglia H, Bourgier C, Rivera S. Borderline and Malignang Phylloides Tumors of the breast: A retrospective analysisis of 37 cases. Poster #3425. ASTRO 56th. San Francisco 14-17th September 2014
• Cascales MA, Cabeza MA, Gascon N, Perez Escutia MA, Rodríguez S, Bartolomé A, De la Casa MA, Martinez R, Perez Regadera JF, Lanzos E. Conservative Treatment of Penile Cancer: Retrospective Analysis of one cohort of patients treated with Brachytherapy. Poster #2543. ASTRO 54th. Boston, 28-31th October 2012.
• Cascales MA; Vega E.; Cabeza MA; De Velasco GA.; Colmenero M; Parrilla L; Martínez R; Guardado S; Guerrero F; Gascón N; Hernandez O; Rodriguez S; Duarte J; Rodriguez Antolin A; Cortés-Funes H; Lanzos E. ¿Vigilancia activa o tratamiento adyuvante en Seminoma ST I Postorquierctomia? Estudio comparativo entre Radioterapia (RT), Quimioterapia (QT) y Vigilancia Activa (AS). Poster P-23: LXXVII Congreso Nacional de Urología. Vigo, Jun 2012.
• Vega E, Cascales MA, De Velasco G, Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Parrilla L, Colmenero M, Manneh R, D’Ambrosi R, Pascua T, Lanzos E, Cortes-Funes H et Cols. Retrospective analysis of 132 patients with stage I seminoma: Observation versus adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy in a single institution. Poster e15033. 2012 ASCO Annual Meeting. J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr e15033). Chicago. May 2012.
• Pérez-Regadera J, D’Ambrosi R, Martínez R, Cascales MA, Vazquez G, Lora D, De La Cruz J, Pérez Escutia MA, Peña MC, Lanzós E. Prognostic value of hydronephrosis in Cervical cancer FIGO IIIB-IVA. Poster PO-0708Radiother Oncol 103, 2012 (supl 1; abstr PO-0708). 31th ESTRO. Barcelona. May 2012
• Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Cascales García MA, D’Ambrosi R, Martinez R, Hernandez Arteaga OM, Guardado S, Lechuga c, Lanzos E. PSA Kinetics after treatment with I-125 Brachytherapy : Relevance of rebound phenomena and its differentiation with biochemical failure. Poster p041 3rd EMUC (European Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers). Barcelona, November 2011.
• Cascales García MA, Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Romero Otero J, Rodriguez Antolin A, Clavel Claver M, Perez Regadera J, Lanzos E. Assessing the impact of early hormonal therapy in prostate cancer on cognoscitive-emotional parameters and quality of life. Poster p061 3rd EMUC (European Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers). Barcelona, November 2011.
• Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Cascales García MA, Martinez R, D’Ambrosi R, Bartolome A, Ruiz A, Perez Regadera J, Lanzos E. Adjuvant Radiotherapy ST I-II Seminoma : Prognostic factors, toxicity and long-term results. Poster p132 3rd EMUC (European Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers). Barcelona, November 2011.
• Cascales García MA, Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Martinez Gutierrez R, Lanzós E. et Cols Long-Term Results of Brachytherapy for Carcinoma of the Penis. Poster C57. EAU 11th CEEM, Timisoara (Rumania). Eur Urol Suppl 2011 ; 10(9): 627. October 2011
• Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Cascales García MA, D’Ambrosi Mata R, Martinez Gutierrez R, Lanzós E. et Cols. PSA Kinetics after treatment with I-125 Brachytherapy : Relevance of rebound phenomena and its differentiation with biochemical failure. Poster C72. EAU 11th CEEM, Timisoara (Rumania). Eur Urol Suppl 2011 ; 10(9): 630 October 2011
• Cascales García MA, Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Romero Otero J, Lanzós E. et Cols. Assessing the impact of early hormonal therapy in prostate cancer on cognoscitive-emotional parameters and quality of life. Poster C73. EAU 11th CEEM, Timisoara (Rumania). Eur Urol Suppl 2011 ; 10(9): 631 October 2011
• Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Cascales García MA, Martinez Gutierrez R, D’Ambrosi Mata R, Lanzós E. et Cols. Adjuvant Radiotherapy ST I-II Seminoma : Prognostic factors, toxicity and long-term results. Poster C126. EAU 11th CEEM, Timisoara (Rumania). Eur Urol Suppl 2011 ; 10(9): 644 October 2011
• Cascales García MA, Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Romero Otero J, Rodriguez Antolin A, Clavel Claver, Perez Escutia MA, Perez Regadera J, Lanzós E. Assessing the impact of early hormonal therapy in prostate cancer on cognoscitive-emotional parameters and quality of life. Poster S83. EAU 7th SEEM Skopje (Macedonia). Eur Urol Suppl 2011 ; 10(9) : 595 October 2011
• Cascales García MA, Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Gascón Costoso N, Martinez Gutierrez R, Lanzós González E. et Cols. Long-Term Results of Brachytherapy for Carcinoma of the Penis. Poster 7126. ECCO 16 (Stockholm) 2011. European Journal of Cancer. 47 (1) S512. September 2011
• Cascales García MA, Pérez Escutia MA, Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Drove Ubreva N, Lanzós González E. et Cols. Tratamiento adyuvante Radioquimioterápico postoperatorio en el Cáncer de Estómago. Poster 1536. 16 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Radioterápica (SEOR), Madrid. June 2011
• Cascales García MA, Pérez Escutia MA, Gascón Costoso N, Martinez Gutierrez R, Lanzós Gonzalez E. et Cols. Tratamiento Radioterápico de Nódulo de la Hermana María José como metástasis de un Cáncer de Mama. Poster 1644. 16 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Radioterápica (SEOR), Madrid. June 2011
• Cascales García MA, Pérez-Regadera JF, Martinez Gutierrez R, Gómez Ordoñez S, Lanzós E. et Cols. Tratamiento con Cirugía, Quimioterapia y Radioterapia Abdominopélvica en Cáncer de Endometrio III-IV. Poster 1208. 16 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Radioterápica (SEOR), Madrid. June 2011
• Cascales M. A., Perez Regadera J. F., Cabeza Rodriguez M.A., Martinez R., Lanzós E. et Cols. (2011) Toxicity and results of Whole Abdominal Pelvic Radiotherapy (WAPR) with or without chemotherapy in Advanced Endometrial Cancer. Poster 806. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 99:S314-S315. ESTRO Anniversary Congress, Londres. May 2011.
• Cascales García MA, Cabeza Rodriguez MA, Gascón Costoso N, Martinez Gutierrez R, Lanzós González E. et Cols. Cáncer de pene tratado con Braquiterapia Intersticial. Nuestra experiencia. Poster 1466. 16 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Radioterápica, Madrid. June 2011
• IASLC (International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer), since February 2016
• BTOG (British Thoracic Oncology Group), since February 2016.
• EAU (European Association of Urology), since 2015.
• ASTRO (American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology), since 2015
• ESTRO (European Society of Therapeutic Radiotherapy and Oncology), since 2010
• ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncology), since 2014
• SEOR (Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology; Sociedad Española de Oncología Radioterápica), since 2009
International Stages:
• Institut de Cancerologie Gustave Roussy (Villejuif-Paris) Radiation Oncology (November 2011). Uro-Oncologie, Brachytherapy, Head and Neck.• EGE University Hospital. Izmir (Turkey), IFMSA Grant. Pediatrics. July 2006.
• Hôpital Pellegrin et Charles Perrens, Bordeaux (France). Erasmus Year 2005-2006.
• Central Hospital Skopje (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). IFMSA Grant. H&N. July 2005.