Personal Data
Birth place : China
Medical Education
- 9/1980-7/1985 : Suzhou Medical College, P.R. China, M.D.
- 9/1985-7/1988: Suzhou Medical College, P.R. China, M.S.
Postgraduate Training
- 1985-1991: Suzhou Medical College, P.R. China, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 1993-1997 : University of Toronto, Research Fellow
- 1997-2000: St John’s Episcopal Hospital South Shore, New York, Department of Internal Medicine
- 2000-2003 : Downstate Medical Center, New York, Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Board Certification
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- American Board of Pulmonary Medicine
- American Board of Critical Medicine American Board of Sleep Medicine
Staff positions
- 2004-present : Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
- Attending Physician, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Southern Arizona VA Health Care System
- 2003-2004: Attending Physician, Pulmonary and Critical Medicine, VA Brooklyn Medical Center, New York
- 1991-1992: Attending Physician and Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Suzhou Medical College
International Affiliations
- World Health Organization,
- International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group (IGRG)
- American Thoracic Society,
- American College of Chest Physicians
Special interests
EndoBronchial UltraSound(EBUS) Lung Cancer Staging, Navigational Bronchoscopy, image guidance for radiation, Pleuroscopy, sleep Medicine, airway resistance in obese patients, nosocomial pneumonia, inflammatory cytokines, pharmaceutical intervention for COPD and Pulmonary Fibrosis, Lung Volume Reduction for Emphysema, Ventilator Patients Interaction in Critical Care, Airway Management, Percutaneous Tracheostomy.