Country of birth: Senlis (FRANCE)
Professional address:
Montpellier Cancer Center ICM -Val d’Aurelle
Department of Radiation Oncology
Parc Euromedecine – 34298 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5 – FRANCE
Tel : (33) 4 67 61 37 52 – Fax (33) 4 67 61 31 35
- Competitive examination for Medicine succeeded in PARIS, 1987
- Competitive examination for Specialized medicine , 1992, MONTPELLIER ( France)
- Qualification MD: April 1997
- Qualification in RADIATION ONCOLOGY: November 1997
- Occupation: Full-time as radiation oncologist in The Montpellier Cancer Center, since 1997
- 60 articles in international reviews as co-author , 3 as first author
Topics of Interest
- Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer , and DCIS
- Radiotherapy for the Elderly
- Radiotherapy for Rectal Cancer and Anal cancer
- Cancer in HIV Patients
- 1992 : Internship in PARIS
- 1993 – 1997 : Internship in MONTPELLIER
- 1995 -96 : Humanitarian medicine with NGO, and independently in West Africa and South-East Asia, participating in creating departments of Radiation Oncology in these countries ( Still running). And still involved as Medical coordinator in PMSF
Special Training
- 1997 : Five months- training in the USA
- ( at the MAYO CLINIC , Rochester, MN. with LL GUNDERSON )
- GI Cancers and Intra-operative radiotherapy
- 1997- 1999 : ASSISTANT at the Cancer Center , in MONTPELLIER.
University Position
- Teaching at the faculty of Medicine in MONTPELLIER and NIMES
- Teaching for Nurses, radiotherapy technicians, dosimetrist, Faculty of Medecine.
Implications in Clinical Trials
- Investigator in a trial dedicated for Partial breast Intraoperative radiotherapy for the Elderly , with good prognostic tumor.
- Co-investigator in 10 on-going trials, dedicated to BREAST and G-I cancers